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CIEL Blood Test and Diagnostic Imaging Labs and Health Services

CIEL Blood Test Labs and Health Services provide essential medical testing that empowers patients and their physicians to better diagnose, understand and manage medical conditions. In recent years we have expanded our services to include advanced genetic testing, digital health, corporate wellness programs, mobile testing as well as a number of specialized services for the insurance industry.

CIEL Laboratory provides services like diagnostic imaging including Ultrasounds, collection and transportation of specimens, accurate testing and prompt reporting of results to patients, healthcare professionals, hospitals, corporate clients and government agencies across Cameroon.

CIEL Blood Test And Diagnostic Imaging Labs And Health Services

1. CIEL Blood Test Labs

Your health is our priority. That’s why CIEL’s goal is to provide caring, efficient, reliable, and high-quality testing services to support you in effectively managing your health.
With over 70% of health care decisions based on diagnostic results, we know the importance of high quality tests. CIEL is committed to being a trusted healthcare partner and providing you with the information you need to make decisions.

Some tests may require fasting or other forms of preparation in advance. Please make sure you are prepared for the test your physician ordered and know what to expect.

CIEL Blood Test Labs provide a broad menu of routine and specialized tests and services which guarantee satisfactory and wholesome delivery for all class and group of people. At CIEL our tests and services encompass a full range of routine tests:

Our test categories constitute the following

1.2.1. Tests by Type

Clinical Chemistry or Biochemistry

CIEL helps in the assays of various body parts ranging from the liver to the kidney, blood, and more using a fully automated A-class range of body fluid analysis techniques. Some tests we carry out include;


Serological tests are helpful in the diagnosis of certain bacteria, parasitic and viral diseases. Tests under this include;

Immunology and Endocrinology

Using our fully automated systems, we offer the best range of immunological and endocrinology assays with accuracy and precision. We offer tests like


We have a fully automated 6-part haematology analyser, giving you the advantage of a reticulocyte count in all Full Blood Count (FBC) analyses. Some other tests we carry out include;

Medical Microbiology

We offer a deviation from conventional medical microbiology to a modern, automated medical microbiology practice. We boast of a biologically safe and aseptic analysis of microbiology samples.

Histopathology and Cytopathology

We offer both Histopathology and Cytology services as we have a fully automated system for processing tissue samples and getting them examined by a trained and certified pathologist. Some tests include:
1.2.2. Tests by Condition

COVID-19 Antibody Test Panel

Antibodies are proteins generated by our immune system in response to infectious agents. This test panel can be used to assess recent or previous infection with SARS-CoV-2 as well as determine the presence of antibodies in individuals who have been vaccinated against the virus. Tropical diseases panel
Coming soon Anti-Aging and Wellness

Vitamin D

25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Test

25-Hydroxy Vitamin D is a blood test to help you measure your vitamin D levels. Often known as the “sunshine vitamin”, vitamin D is produced by your body when the sun’s UV rays contact your skin and also occurs naturally in a limited amount of food sources. It is estimated that up to one-third of Cameroonians do not have the recommended levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D:

This simple blood test can provide you piece of mind that you are receiving the vitamin D that you need for optimum health.

Osteoporosis Serum CTX

Known as the “silent thief”, osteoporosis is responsible for the loss of bone mass without obvious symptoms until a bone is broken. By knowing your risk through a Serum CTX Test, you can prevent, delay or reduce bone loss. Serum CTX can detect relevant changes in bone breakdown in as little as a few months, unlike bone mass density test which requires several years to generate a measurable output.

Patient Assessment Panels

Patient Assessment Panels are a great tool for gaining comprehensive insights about your health status, improving your understanding of the underlying imbalances that lead to disease. Each panel has been developed with specific clinical questions in mind. Cardiovascular Health

Cardiac Test

Know Your Risk for Heart Attacks

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the second-highest cause of death in Cameroon, and the highest world-wide. A Protein Unstable Lesion Signature Test, also known as PULS test, measures the traces of proteins that leak from cardiac lesions in the blood vessel walls. By identifying the presence and levels of these proteins, along with HDL and HbA1c, it provides your physician with valuable information to help determine:

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

The Omega-3 Fatty Acid test quantifies the fatty acids present in a sample of a patient’s whole blood. Specific levels of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, specifically Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the blood have been associated with a lower risk of sudden death from cardiovascular disease (CVD).

24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) requires you to wear a small device that monitors your blood pressure over the course of 24-hours. The device measures and records your blood pressure at regular intervals (typically every 15-30 minutes). Recording your blood pressure over a set period of time can provide a more reliable measurement than one single reading. Gastrointestinal Health

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Infection

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a bacteria that can cause peptic ulcers. It is a very common infection of the digestive tract that impacts half of the world’s population. Most people with an H. pylori infection never even know they have it because they do not experience any symptoms. However, having an H. pylori infection increases your risk of developing peptic ulcer disease, persistent stomach inflammation, and stomach cancer. The bacteria impacts the production of mucus in the stomach, thereby making it more susceptible to damage from digestive acid and peptic ulcers.

Some of the signs and symptoms of an H. pylori infection include:


Laboratory tests are ordered for many different reasons; because of a problem you’ve reported to your doctor, to check on a condition that has already been diagnosed, or maybe to see how you’re responding to prescribed medication.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered by eating grains that contain gluten such as wheat, rye and barley. It occurs in about 1% of Cameroonians and symptoms can vary dramatically and easily be mistaken for food allergies or intolerance. Undiagnosed celiac disease can:

If you have been exhibiting the symptoms of celiac disease, or have a family history of celiac disease, this blood test can help you find the answers you are looking for.

Fecal Calprotectin

When you have symptoms such as chronic diarrhea or abdominal pain, it could be due to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Cameroon has one of the highest rates of IBS and IBD in the world. The Fecal Calprotectin test is a simple non-invasive stool laboratory test, that helps your doctor determine if you have IBD or IBS and thus plan your treatment accordingly.
IBS is a functional disorder that doesn’t affect your bowel tissue, but requires long term management and lifestyle changes. However, IBD causes chronic inflammation in your gastrointestinal tract, and can be even life-threatening if not treated properly.
Calprotectin is a protein normally found in the body in certain amounts. If the test finds a large amount of calprotectin present in the stool, it is more likely that you have IBD, while if the test comes back with low or normal levels, it points towards IBS. The Calprotectin test is hence very useful to differentiate between IBS and IBD. Immunological Disorders


Approximately 25% of Cameroonians aged 12 years and older report having allergies that have been diagnosed through allergy tests on a yearly basis. Our body’s immune system is designed to protect us from getting sick but sometimes it mistakenly interprets a substance that isn’t harmful as a threat and produces an immune response. The substances that elicit this reaction are called allergens and they fall into some of the following categories:


The daily pain, stiffness and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis can go undiagnosed for months causing permanent damage to your body. Diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis at its earliest stages can prevent damage and improve long-term quality of life. Cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies are frequently detected in the blood of people with rheumatoid arthritis. The Anti-CCP test is a highly accurate test and can diagnose the rheumatoid arthritis at a very early stage, sometimes years before the development of symptoms. Early detection of rheumatoid arthritis can help: Infection

Sexual health panel Assays

a multiplex One-step real-time RT PCR assay that detects and identifies over 15 viruses, bacteria and parasites which cause sexually transmitted infections.


Early Detection of Cervical Cancer

The human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a group of over 100 related viruses which are primarily spread through sexual activity. Most adults will develop an HPV infection in their lifetime without knowing it as HPV often doesn’t have any symptoms. An infection with high-risk HPV can cause cells to change or become abnormal. In the cervix, these changes can lead to a precancerous condition known as dysplasia. Dysplasia, if not treated, can lead to cervical cancer. An HPV test can:

QuantiFERON®-TB Gold

QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT) is a simple blood test that aids in the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria which causes tuberculosis (TB). QFT is an interferon gamma release assay, commonly known as an IGRA, and is a modern alternative to the tuberculin skin test (TST). Unlike the TST, QFT is a controlled laboratory test that requires only one patient visit and works on patients who have previously been vaccinated against TB with the Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination. Oncology

Prostate screening

The third leading cause of cancer death, when prostate cancer is detected early, the more likely it can be successfully treated. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protein produced within the prostate gland. Measuring PSA levels can be a useful tool in diagnosing prostate cancer as well as:


Personalized Risk Assessment of Prostate Cancer

Learning you have elevated PSA can be alarming news, however, it does not necessarily mean you have clinically significant disease and require a biopsy or treatment. There are many reasons why PSA levels fluctuate, and higher levels may indicate the presence of prostate cancer or other prostate conditions.

SelectMDx is a urine test that measures two cancer-related genetic biomarkers, HOXC6 and DLX1. Combined with other clinical factors like total PSA and age, the test produces a likelihood score of discovering aggressive prostate cancer upon biopsy. This provides your urologist with another important piece of information to consider when recommending whether a biopsy is required and potentially avoid unnecessary procedures. Reproductive Health and Pregnancy

Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)

With one in six couples across Cameroon experiencing difficulty in becoming pregnant, AMH levels can provide valuable insight into predicting a response for IVF treatment. Measuring AMH levels can help to:

Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

FIT is a safe and painless stool-based test used for screening people at average risk of developing colorectal cancer. FIT checks for the presence of occult blood in the stool, which can be an early sign of colorectal cancer and/or pre-cancerous lesions. When colorectal cancer is found and treated early, the chances of successful treatment are better.

2. CIEL Diagnostic Imaging Labs
At CIEL, we offer the best and reliable Diagnostic Imaging Services without stress.
2.1. Ultrasonography

This diagnostic medical imaging technique uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image of part of the body on the screen. It does not use ionising radiation. It is safe for everyone including, pregnant women, Children, Adults- Male and Female- and the Elderly. Some of our Ultrasound Services include Pelvic scan, Abdominal scan, Pregnancy scan, Children scan, Breast scan, Transvaginal scan, Thyroid scan, Prostate scan, Eye (Ocular) scan, Vascular (Obstetrics and other parts Doppler) scan, and Heart scan (Echocardiography).

2.2. Echocardiography

This is an ultrasound scan of the heart. It is used to check anomalies (congenital and acquired) concerning the chambers, the valves, the wall and the enclosing sac (pericardium) of the heart. It is safe for everyone (children and adults).


Adult echocardiography is ultrasonography used to evaluate the anatomical structure and function of the heart and great vessels in Adults. An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves (ultrasound) to create images of the heart. At Everight, we have a dedicated 4D Ultrasound Machine with experienced Consultant Cardiologists for Echocardiography examinations. Some indications/reasons for doing an Echocardiography will include the following:

Echocardiographic examinations take 20 to 40 minutes. It is not painful; occasionally there could be mild discomfort from the transducer pressing on the skin. It does not use radiation; hence, not harmful.


Pediatric echocardiography is ultrasonography used to evaluate the anatomical structure and function of the heart in children. An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves (ultrasound) to create images of the heart. Echocardiography is the most common test used in children to diagnose or rule out heart disease and also to follow children who have already been diagnosed with a heart problem. This test can be performed on children of all ages and sizes including foetuses and newborns. Echocardiography diagnoses cardiac problems and also guides heart surgery and complex cardiac catheterizations. Several cardiac conditions may be detected by echocardiography, including the following:

The ultrasound test is done with your child lying down comfortably on a bed. Infants may be able to lie in their parent’s lap. A small amount of clear gel is used between the transducer and chest to make sure there is proper contact. The gel doesn’t stain and is wiped off when the test is over. You’ll be able to see and hear the beating heart, as well as the flow of blood. Echocardiographic examinations take 20 to 40 minutes. It is important for the child to remain still to obtain an examination of acceptable quality. Younger children may require sedation to allow the cardiologist to obtain a complete study. If sedation is needed, the child will be asked not to eat or drink for several hours prior to testing. Older children and teenagers usually don’t need sedation and may enjoy watching the test. Except for allowing for the possibility of sedation, you don’t need to make any special preparations.
2.3. Digital Radiography (X-ray)

X-ray is the conventional and oldest medical imaging tool. They are used to view images of the bones and other structures in the body. X-rays can detect fractures, infections (pneumonia, osteomyelitis), calcifications (kidney stones), tumours, arthritis, and bone loss. Our digital x-ray system provides high picture quality and ensures accurate diagnosis.

2.4. CT Scan

A CT scanner is like an advanced x-ray machine. It produces better images that provide more detailed information than plain X-rays. We have a 64 SLICE CT Scanner, which uses a series of X-ray images taken from different angles around the body and computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices) of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues. It is a vital medical diagnostic tool when fast scans are needed. A 64-slice machine can scan the whole body in 60 seconds!

2.5. MRI

Alongside X-ray and CT scan images, we also have Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MRI is a large tube that contains powerful magnets. It uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce a detailed image of organs and structures inside the body. These images help in diagnosing a variety of conditions, from torn ligaments to tumours. It is safe, as it does not use ionising radiation; a baby in the womb can get an MRI scan. It can be used for any part of the body but is excellent for the soft parts, such as the brain, muscles, ligaments, tendons, internal organs and blood vessels. A 1.5 Tesla brand of MRI makes the scan time as short as possible, gives excellent picture quality, thereby ensuring accurate diagnosis.
In our facility, we use an MRI scanner for:

2.6. Digital Mammography

Physicians sometimes prefer mammography in breast cancer diagnosis, especially in women older than 40 years. Mammography uses low-dose X-rays to produce breast images known as mammograms. It is a screening tool for possible breast diseases.

2.7. Electroencephalography (EEG) and Electrocardiogram (ECG)
We also have facilities for EEG and ECG. EEG is a monitoring method used to record the electrical activity of the brain. This helps in determining changes in brain activity that might be useful in diagnosing and treating brain disorders and diseases (epilepsy). Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) is a medical diagnostic tool that measures the electrical activities of the heart. ECG is recommended for all adults, especially those with a family history of hypertension.
3. CIEL Paternity/Maternity DNA testing

Paternity/Maternity DNA testing is a DNA blood test to confirm the biological relationship between a presupposed father/mother and child/children. The Expert Authorities you can Trust – We are the Grand Masters of DNA testing in Cameroon. We provide Legal DNA testing designed for use in courts of law as well as non-Legal DNA testing.

4. Health Services

Health Education

We give public lectures/education tailored to meet schools, churches, institutions, organizations and individual medical needs and create awareness on certain health challenges including Malaria, Diabetes, Hepatitis B & Vaccination, Tuberculosis, H.I.V/AIDS, Sickle cell, Kidney health, Liver health, Stroke, Urinary tract infections etc.
Our team of expert medical scientist have over the years created awareness on numerous health conditions to various groups of people which have received very remarkable and laudable recognition. Book an appointment with us today to get the needed education.